Was ist ChinaClub?
ChinaClub ist eine Initiative der China-Team GmbH und Partner. Diese bietet deutschen und chinesischen mittelständischen Unternehmen sowie Ihren Führungskräften die Möglichkeit an, wertvolle Einblicke in die Märkte und Netzwerkchancen zu erhalten.
ChinaClub organisiert verschiedene Events in Städte in China und Deutschland in abwechslungsreichen Formaten. Die Veranstaltungen haben hohen Informationswert und werden professionell durchgeführt. Hervorzuheben ist die gezielte Ausgewogenheit der Teilnehmer beider Länder sowie Themensetzung der Vorträge. ChinaClub ist offen für alle Interessenten und bietet Mitgliedsfirmen noch mehr Angebote für wertvolle Kontakte und Netzwerke, die den wirtschaftlichen Austausch zwischen Deutschland und China unterstützen.
Wert freisetzen, Kulturen verbinden:
ChinaClub - Wo wertvolle Einblicke für Manager durch Präsentationen von Mitgliedsunternehmen entstehen.
Verbessern Sie Ihr Erlebnis:
ChinaClub - Setzt den Standard für Premium-Veranstaltungen.
Kulturen verbinden, Erfolg aufbauen:
ChinaClub - Wo sich deutsche und chinesische Familienunternehmen auf einzigartige Weise treffen.
ChinaClub Team
Xiaolong Hu
Host in Germany
The founder of the China team, Mr. Xiaolong Hu, has 20 years of professional experience as a management consultant and has rich experience in German/EU and Chinese projects. More than 100 experts inside and outside the China team are working together to build a high-quality communication platform for German business exchange.
Dr. Michael Jahnz
Host in China
Within a total of 9 years China experience, Michael has estalbished a huge network of managers of German, European and Chinese SMEs from a variety of industries, each company among the leaders in their particular field. Besides teaming-up with Xiaolong to make ChinaClub a success story and hosting events in China, Michael is running his own scientific company for innovation consulting, R&D support and technology transfer.
Dieterich Henne
ChinaClub Patron
SVP Business Applications & IT, Voith
Dietrich is in Shanghai, China since 2005 and has been in various management positions. Now with the Voith Group for the last 15 years and responsible for IT in China and other regions of Asia. Before coming to China, he worked in New York City, USA and Cologne, Germany for the Bertelsmann Group in IT management and project management responsibilities. Dietrich studied mathematics and computer sciences in Munich, Germany.
Bamboo Lounge at Hannover Messe
At ChinaClub, we offer exhibition programs designed to help Chinese companies successfully enter the European market. In the past, many Chinese exhibitors have struggled to make the most of their participation at European trade shows, often due to a lack of understanding about how these exhibitions differ from those in China.
Next year, we have secured a prime booth at Hannover Messe, which will be available for 10 of our member companies to use as a shared exhibition space. Our goal is to help young enterprises—those not older than 7 years—connect more effectively with European partners, with the full support of ChinaClub. Exhibitors will have minimal responsibilities; aside from transporting their exhibits, most of the work will be handled by our team.