

Online Seminar "On your guard! - China's Corporate Social Credit System"

 24.09.2020, Webinar (German)

In cooperation with hannoverimpuls GmbH and other partners, launched a new webinar series "Hannover Deep Dive – China 2020" on 24 September 2020. The first webinar will be about the presentation of the new Corporate Social Credit System (CSCS) in China, which will be "sharp" for all companies from 2021. Dr. Michael Jahnz, General Manager of Wessling Consulting (Shanghai) Ltd, was invited and gave an overview of the topic for the audience. Mr. Thomas Scholz, Managing Director of Gustav Wolf Wire Ropes (Suzhou) Co. Ltd. presented his best practice to the interested parties on how to prepare their company for the CSCS. 
Video clip (coming soon)

Expert Talk "Your China factory: future digital champion"

 10.09.2020, Webinar

In today’s world digitization is a must. 
The question is HOW to embark on this journey, especially with regards to China. 

China is the second biggest market in the world, for many SME’s it is already of key importance and continues to grow. 

Video clip

Expert Talk "China business requires local empowered team"

 12.08.2020, Webinar

German companies aiming to establish business in China soon realize that the Chinese market is very complex and dynamic and that not only distance but also language and culture seem to be high barriers. If companies want to keep up with the dynamics and be successful in China, they have to rely on local teams with competent employees and managers and a high degree of personal responsibility: empowered teams. They must enable the local teams to decide and implement independently and quickly in the interest of the company. And in Germany, it is important to learn how to lead and cooperate remotely and in an intercultural setting and how to build trust in decentralized ways of deciding and working.

Video clip

Expert Talk "Trend Scouting in China - Digitization"

 08.07.2020, Webinar

China is no longer a low-wage country... Everyone knows that! In China, digitisation and innovation are being rapidly promoted... Everyone knows that too!
Why do we still sell standard products and services in China today and are surprised that they no longer reach customers as desired?
Change your perspective and, as a small and medium-sized company (SME), do your TrendScouting in China.
Talk to our experts!
Video clip

Chinas "Corporate Social Credit System (CSCS)"

 19.05.2020, Webinar

In Zusammenarbeit mit Zukunftsallianz Maschinenbau e.V. hat ein weiteres Webinar gehalten. Virtueller Gastgeber dieser Veranstaltung ist Herr Küchenmeister, Gesellschafter der Getriebebau Nord GmbH & Co. KG in Bargteheide. Vor knapp 20 Teilnehmern haben Herr Gernot Zarp (Getriebebau Nord), Herr Thomas Scholz (Gustav Wolf Suzhou) und Herr Xiaolong Hu ( über das CSCS berichtet und Empfehlungen an Teilnehmer ausgesprochen.
Vortrag China-Team

Chinesische Wirtschaft zur Corona-Zeit

 14.05.2020, Webinar

In Zusammenarbeit mit Zukunftsallianz Maschinenbau e.V. hat ein Webinar gehalten. Vor über 20 Teilnehmern haben Frau Corinne Abele (GTAI Shanghai), Frau Jue Mai (Ziehl Abegg Shanghai), Herr Jens Hildebrandt (AHK Beijing) und Herr Xiaolong Hu ( über die aktuelle Situation der chinesischen Wirtschaft berichtet und einen Ausblick der Marktentwicklung für kommende Zeit gegeben. 
Vortrag China-Team
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